
"This Shit Really Pisses Me Off"
People telling me that I eat too much junk food!
I eat what the fuck I want....
That drunk ass woman over on dock two laughing like a damn bull moose!
Irritates the shit out of me!!!!
Someone complaining about my smoking as they stuff another TWINKIE in their mouth!
This stays!!!! "CLASSIC"
Home Pages that take 3 days to load!
You know....Geocities.com
 The bitch in the grocery store that got pisseed just because I was trying to tell her that her panties were down around her ancles!!
Someone turning MY radio down, looking me in the eye, saying nothing, and just walking off! 
Who are these fucks??
Someone telling me I need a haircut. 
I don't need a freaking haircut and I surely don't need to go on a 'fat free' Diet!
Plastic bags that won't open and when they do, I lose all the goodies!
Jesus Christ!!! 
Who was the fuck that invented plastic???
School kids wearing those damn pants that are rolled up to their knees and their underwear hanging out.
There is a stopping point!!!
Grocery store baggers! 
They only put 3 items each bag.
Hell, I could get more than that in a bag!!!
You ever tried carrying 30 bags down the dock to the boat/???
Plumbers with their 
"hairy ass"
hanging out of their pants!
What is it with plumbers anyway???
Neighbors that compliment 
"your beautiful yard"
then turn their dogs loose to drop 
"doggie piles"
 all over it.
Calling the help line and they tell me my settings are wrong. They just gave me those settings 15 minutes ago!!!
My dog JoJo pissing in my keyboard.
JoJo is gone now, but Reebok bites me!!!
Unthoughtful "newbies" sending me uslessXXX files, which I have no interest in at all!
I've allready seen that shit when I was a "newbie"
Cops that pull you over for driving too "slow".
Hell, when you're fucked up, you don't want to drive fast any way!!!
Someone 'abusing' a hacksaw by pushing down too hard! How the fuck can you abuse a fucking hacksaw blade???
Hack this!!!
Someone whining and pissing about the content of my homepages. 
It's mine and I do what the fuck I want.
Don't fuck'n look!!!!
When I try to slip a fart out and I think it's gonna be silent, but the
muthafucka ends up making a loud-ass squealing noise. 
It really irritates me when my girlfriends don't get along!!!!
It's too cool!!!!
I'll tell ya who pisses me off...
that's who! 
that bitch has everything!
I'm pissed because my girlfriend doesn't like my ex-wife staying with me for the holidays. 
Some chick telling me she wears a size 3
I look at her and damn....
How the fuck did she get that shit on???
I'm pissed off because I should be able to have sex with my bosses 
HA HA!!!